Why I don’t write about bad books and movies

There are authors who write – “Hmm, I didn’t like this book/movie/TV Series. Still, I will comment on it, so that you could consider avoiding it”.

Currently, I’m not a big fan of the methdod.

I prefer to focus on gems.

The main reason? I don’t necessarily get vocabulary, a certain state, or some emotions from a book. I most often look to gain some good insight from a book, and this generally doesn’t require the book to be good.

Same thing for a movie.

Thus, some books I like and some movies I like are not necessarily the same as others.

It might be a good movie that I don’t like, or it might be a poorly written book that I love.

I apply the same logic to others – if I didn’t like a book/movie, I think there could still be plenty of people who might like it.

On the other hand, I don’t like all the movies I see/books I read, so it’s actually easier to focus only on the ones I enjoy.


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